The Story of Omugo Nyabugondo and the creation of Enyambo Cattle Breed.

Omugo Nyabugondo and the creation of Enyambo Cattle Breed.


Omugo Nyabugondo was one of Omukama Wamara Bwigunda’s three wives, a inquisitive woman and natural scientist by nature. She is credited with having developed the Royal breed of cattle known as “Enyambo” and introduced them to Karagwe, Rwanda and Burundi.

The new breed of cattle developed was able to withstand most of the tropical disease

Nyabugondo’s very name also points to another interesting fact: the breed of cattle known as “Bugondo” or “Ngondo” – has a dappled pattern that is hard to raise. The Ngondo and Nyambo cattle were bred exclusively in Bwera and exported elsewhere, both breeds as now endangered and face extinction.

Wamara’s two other wives besides Nyabugondo were Bunono and Nyante.

Note: Omukama Wamara Bwigunda was the 22nd Mukama of Kitara and the 3rd of the Bachwezi Dynasty

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