
Adult Membership

Youth Membership

Associate Membership

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1. Maintain Website: Cost is about $120 a Year, cost could be higher but we have a member who maintains the website for free. the $120 goes to the hosting company
2. Merchandise: For procuring products to be sold on the website. e.g Runyoro dictionary, T-Shirts, Empaako Bracelets, Caps, Mags. Etc. Cost TBD (To be Determined)
3. Charity Work. i.e. $250 a Year is put towards a Scholarship for a need child in the Bunyoro region
4. Subsided Event fees: A Paid BUKNAA member gets a subsidized fee of events like, Dinners, Tours and travels, also gets a free runyoro dictionary.

5. Online runyoro Dictionary: Cost is about $120 a Year, cost could be higher but we have a member who maintains the website for free. the $120 goes to the hosting company, The dictionary need Audio translators, in case where we don’t have volunteers, we need to hire people to translate the Audios.
6. Need basis: This is limited to, Burial of a Close relative (Mother, father and Immediate siblings), Marriage. The Limit is $250.
7. Events: The money helps is Organizing get together events like dinners, cocktails, picnic, Conventions etc, there is usually a need to book a Hall, Pay Musician, DJ’s etc in advance, andmembership money help is fulfilling that

8. Embiiko/Amabugo for lost Close relative(Mother, father, Spouse, Child)
9. Miscellaneous: printer, binders, rims of paper for Office of secretary and Transport/Fuel for Chairperson to do BUKNAA work. e.g visit other banyoro in another state

Payment by Bank

Bank of America: Acct #: 4460 3467 9249, Routing# 052001633



1. Student member: Students over the 18 years who are currently enrolled as full time students in any educational institution in North America
2. Adult member: Any Munyoro living in North America above 18 years old
3. Youth member: Any Munyoro youth living in North America between 15 and 25 years of age
4. Family member: Spouse and child dependeant under the age of 18 years
5. Associate member: This is for Banyoro leaving outside north America and willing to uphold and foster the goals, aims and objectives of BUKI
6. Corporate member: Corporations as well as non-govermentak organisations willing to uphold and foster the goals, aims and objectives of BUKI
7. Honorary member: Banyoro and friends of banyoro who have made and outstanding contributions to Bunyoro and reside anywhere, including North America.

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